
Contentful, in many ways, represents the future of content management. Contentful supports rapid development for organizations who need to deliver content across multiple channels, allowing content to be displayed anywhere, any way, any time. Contentful allows enerprises to deliver better digital experiences. Contentful changes the paradigm of content management — unified, structured, and ready to deploy to any digital channel.

Why Use Contentful?

Contenful allows you to work with content in its purest form, meaning editors and developers can work in harmony, so your digital products get to market faster. The major, global brands using Contentul validate its capabilities and value. Its content infrastructure provides developers a powerful set of APIs to manage, integrate, and deliver content to any device or service -- be it mobile apps, IoT devices in the home, SaaS products, campaigns, advertisements, kiosks, VR and AR experiences, or whatever the future holds.

Traditional CMSs were made to build web pages. Contentful was built for demanding digital experiences and helps enterprises manage content across every digital channel.

My History with Contentful

I have been working with Contentful both personally and professionally for the past several years. At Nansen, we are Contentful partners and have launched several implementations. If you want to learn more about our work with Contentful, check out the Nansen website.

I myself am a Contentful certified developer, and led several of our Nansen implementations. If you are interested in learning more about my work, feel free to contact me.